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I was dubbed the penguin many years ago for reasons which shall remain only with me!  I've re-vamped my penguin goodies site and hope you enjoy it and my always featured Dancing Penguins.


Above the Clouds

Waddle on in to my world of penguins


My Story

I was born and raised in the Los Angeles area many moons ago.  For most of the time in Los Angeles, I was a Dodger fan and attended MANY games.  Also a fan of Ron Cey (the penguin).  Thus--part of my nickname. My main focus of employment was a 'short' 40 year stint with Los Angeles Unified School District.  It was originally just known as LA City Schools.  


Part of the office staff, I worked at a few schools and also at one of our maintenance facilities.  I was fortunate enough to be one of the very first computer operators...mid 70's.

About 90 per cent of what I know has been self taught--except for the very beginnings.  The rest is the result of a curious mind.....

Main Focus of Site

The main focus of this site is to entertain visitors with my 'dancing penguins'. From time to time, some of their friends may join the dancing.  I may also include some personal stuff like life with cats and more.

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